Thursday, May 7, 2015
moving news!
Hey everyone!
I have moved over to a self-hosted site, so please update your readers to the new and improved Petaline blog. I am updating and posting more frequently and would love to have you join me in this new space.
See you over there!
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
a petaline feature.

I am so excited to follow along with this series (you should too!) and see the other makers she spotlights, and hopefully make some new connections if they are local. It is always so nice to meet other like-minded folks!
So, yeah, check out the first installment of Maker Monday here.
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Monday, January 26, 2015
a good place to start
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
feeling so calm and chill when craziness is all around me. I’m really not sure where it’s coming from….
thinking about fresh starts and how I can continue to release some extra baggage.
planning my vendor display for the Vintage Lynchburg Spring Market and Artisan Fair.
spending most of my free time weaving. I feel like I have yarn coming out of my eyeballs.
wondering if I should add some new stamp designs or just keep hanging out with what I have and phase ‘em out.
excited to play around with my new Photoshop Elements 12 purchase. (The above photo was my first edit using the ABM actions!)
watching old seasons of Modern Family. Cam and Manny are still my faves.
planting some new flowers around the house and seriously considering getting some more. I don’t think you can ever go overboard.
taking supplement after supplement to get my physical health ready for the next step. And it can’t come soon enough.
going through spaces in my house that need redistributing and cleaning out. All in the name of that next step.
reading this book in hopes of becoming empowered and strong and free and open and ready for that next step.
obsessed with my new lids. The cuteness actually encourages me to drink more water. Yes, I know it’s ridiculous.
stoked that it’s that CSA time of year and I can depend on fresh goodies for nourishment.
freshening up this virtual space of mine and figuring out in what direction I want to take it.
listening to the new First Aid Kit song over and over. Gotta keep on keeping on.
looking forward to seeing them live for the first time next month in North Carolina. I might be going solo & that is just fine with me.
What’s going on with you?
Monday, April 21, 2014
baggage begone.
I am so ready to start fresh.
Is it spring fever? I’m not sure. But sometimes I just want to walk away from everything and become free again. Free of all that weighs me down even when I don’t know it. Free of that mental, emotional, and physical baggage that I have collected throughout my years on this earth.
But I want to do it with gratitude. It’s not that things aren’t good…because they are (for the most part). It’s just that I know I am missing things that I’m not sure will come forth with all this baggage around me. My brother told me somewhat recently that all of the unfinished projects or ideas or conversations add an immense amount of subconscious stress on a person and it’s almost like they are ties to keep you from moving forward. It’s Native American wisdom he shared from his readings, and I’ll have to find it because I know I’m not giving it justice. But, that is the main gist. And for me currently, it absolutely holds true and I can feel it everyday.
I am thinking about making a list of all of my unfinished business from all areas of my life, i.e. creative, home, personal, etc. and seeing what I can cross out and let go and then prioritizing what is left. Maybe then they will get out of my physical body and leave me alone, but visible so I can trudge through them. I don’t know - sometimes I just make lists because I love the paper and pen and it just gets lost in a notebook somewhere…and becomes more baggage.
I’m thinking of starting over with this space of mine. I want to do better, but I feel like starting fresh is what I need to really pinpoint the direction I want to go in. I don’t even know what my blog is about or what purpose it serves me, so I’m in the process of figuring all of that out too. I really enjoy blogging when I actually do it, but I sometimes feel like I’m trying to measure up to what’s out there inside of being completely me. I want to talk about my recent craft ventures or project ideas; but I also want to share my outlooks on life which are not all pleasant, in hopes of connecting with readers who may feel the same. I am not going to sit here and say “I’m gonna do better” and then not follow through, but I hope that I will if I feel like what I have and want to say is real and not trying to fit into a mold. So, we’ll see how that turns out…I need to let it percolate a bit.
I bought this book based on a short description I read on Ali Edwards’ blog, and I’m looking forward to gain perspective on this baggage we take through life. I see a lot of parallels between the author and I, so it was almost uncanny how perfect it seems for me at this exact time. I’ll be sure to report back.
Thursday, February 6, 2014
holding down the farm.
I was left “in charge” of the farm last Friday and Saturday while the tribe went to a Virginia Biological Farmers conference in Richmond. My brother was asked to speak on “Harmonious Herd Management” so we spent all week reviewing, editing, and finalizing this slideshow. I was pretty excited for him to show it - speaking about the everyday passion of his comes so naturally to him so I knew he had it in the bag. I stayed back with my youngest niece, who is two, and we had our fun feeding pigs, checking a new mama milk cow & her calf, and just being ready for anything the day threw at us.
I used to work on the farm, not really tending animals, but I did occasionally have a run at it. None of it was new to me, but it has definitely been a while since I carried water and feed buckets. All of our farm animals are free-roamers, but the predominately grass-fed pigs need some supplemental food that is carefully curated by my brother and local feed company, not to mention the occasional kitchen scraps we throw at ‘em every now and then. The pigs were all nested in the hay barn when we got there and came running out as soon as they saw those buckets being emptied. I just love watching their ears flop when they run and I can’t help but imagine their feet as high heels. They are quite comical to watch. I mean, look at big mama just laid back in the middle of them all…you can’t help but smile at her.
The herd was beside us on the hillside eating and lounging about so we had to go and say hi to them and see Hippie. We only have one like him, but we all know he is just happy as a lark with this cold weather. And yes, he actually does know his name. :)
Next up was feeding some neighbor’s pigs we have in the barn and checking on a mama and her calf who was rescued from the freezing weather. The calf seems to be doing great all huddled in the hay pile and even stood up to greet me when I went closer to visit. So sweet.
My copilot all bundled up and snuggly.
We went over to my brothers to check on everybody and it was my first time seeing the newest member of the milk cow family, Blackbird. He had them huddled up in the barn with a ton of hay for comfort and eating, so we just needed to check on her water, feed hay, and make sure the calf was nursing good. Oh yeah, and I had to shovel out manure into the compost pile to keep the barn clean for them…so you know that was fun. That little thing was jumping all around the barn, feet flying in the air, hopping up and over hay bales with no trouble at all…so darn cute. Her mama, Piedra, wasn’t tooooooo keen on me being so close to her new baby, but she soon got more concerned with her delicious hay than me.
It was fun to throw on my newly-purchased and much-anticipated coveralls over all the layers and head out early to tend everyone. I’d say we made a pretty good team.