…went to the local library!
Every Wednesday, I pick up my youngest nephew and two nieces and we have a day hanging out together. It's really the highlight of my week. We usually just stay at my house with favorite activities being reading books, playing with Little People, or playing/working around the yard. The other week my nephew (who is 7) planted all of my flowers and then greens in the garden! I thought it would be fun to shake things up a bit and every now and then go somewhere fun that we haven't been or its been a while since visiting. This past week, I picked them up with their backpacks on and library cards in hand to hit up the local library for some new-to-them books for nap and bed time. They were so cute and excited - I had been talking to them about it for a couple of days, so they were all ready to go.
When we got there, they each emptied their bags of books I had gotten them a couple of weeks ago and then we hit up the children's section for some reading. Of course they went straight to the building blocks and letter-sound bean bags, but that's ok! We were surrounded by so much written imagination that even being in that environment was inspirational. I gave them a "flexible" time limit for free play and then they were allowed to get five books to check out. Since my nephew decided that all of the picture books were "girl books," I encouraged him to ask the lady at the information desk about hide-and-seek books - so he was pretty excited about that. So, we loaded up our 5 books (myself included), checked them out independently (it's all self-checkout now!!), then loaded up our totes and packs and left with new characters to love and new stories to remember.
There was not a peep of sound on the ride home. Only the turning of pages.