Does anyone else here have what seems to be a debilitating case of procrastination? Pardon me while I go off on a little rant...that I can only hope kicks ME in the ass to slam those to-do lists.
I have so many to-do lists going in so many places, i.e. Wunderlist, quick phone notes, planner lists by day, pieces of paper, but yet I can go through a day and get NOTHING crossed off!! WTH?? And it's not that I'm just sitting around waiting for someone else to do them for me - these are all things that I essentially want to do to better my home or self - but I somehow put everything (that's didn't make it to a list) first. And then I wonder where on earth my day went. I signed up for a goal-oriented ecourse and just found some downloaded worksheets that I filled out…and then forgot about. It's downright pitiful.
Nine times out of ten I'll go to do something but have so many steps before it just to get started. For instance, the other day, I needed to correct some mistakes I made on my niece's "pink, thparkely dreth" so that she could wear it willingly. Simple task, right? Well…first I had to find my seam ripper that was still in a tote bag from the epic adventure I'd been home from for at least ten days and still hadn't unpacked. Then I needed to find a bright place to work, which was hard to find because I still haven't moved the lamp I've been wanting to move. And then before I resewed anything, I needed to clean off the sewing machine table of unfinished projects and get-to-later piles (which meant I needed to find somewhere for them to go). So what do you think happened? You're right, I got so damn frustrated at myself and my home that I set the "dreth" down on top of the sewing machine table and walked away cussing to myself. Therefore…got NOTHING accomplished. Story of my life it seems.
I'm a firm believer in cluttered home = cluttered mind and vice versa, and I am a perfect example of both. I'm not anywhere near hoarder status, and people who visit would never notice, but I do. And I'm actually pretty tired of it. Is it just the way I'm made? I can look at my parents and some siblings and excuse it to be genetic. But geez, what a pitiful excuse!
I want to live in a simple home.
I want to live in a home where I only have and use things that I love or absolutely need.
I want to finished projects and paperwork that's lying around.
I want to be able to take a picture of something in my home and love what's in the background.
I want to enjoy what's in my home instead of looking around sighing.
I want to feel "caught up."
I want to be that person that sets a goal and sticks to it.
I want to sign up for a monthly ecourse and actually finish it within the month.
I want to remember all of the items I needed to order from Amazon so I don't have 3 orders going at the same time. (Thank goodness I signed up for Amazon Prime by the way!!)
I want an uncluttered mind.
I want an uncluttered home.
I want to be able to focus on ONE task at hand and complete it before moving on to the next.
I want to not be overwhelmed in my own home.
I want to get sh*t done!
Anyone else have a case of 'putoffitis?' I'd love to hear ways you combat it!!