This past weekend was one that I have been looking forward to since I had to raincheck it a couple of months ago. I was really feeling the itch for a little jaunt then, and I was surely feeling it on Friday as I was pulling out of my driveway. I headed down to Greensboro, NC to spend the weekend with my bestie and her family in our college stomping grounds. I enjoy going back every now and then - it feels so familiar to me after spending close to 7 years there, but yet it’s new and fresh so it’s not a tiring destination.
After passing out in front of the tv on a Friday night around 10pm while watching
Banshee (if you haven’t seen it and like action packed cable shows, you should check it out for a little weekend entertainment), we were bright-eyed & bushy-tailed for running errands and a little shopping on Saturday…one stop being on the main drag we used to hang out on weekly back in the day. It feels like a whole other life when I’m there, and especially on Walker Ave in the daytime and all that comes with that. Many a good time was had hopping around on that street and we can’t help but recap a little when we’re down there…playing pool, dancing on hip-hop nights, late night hot dogs, taking pint glasses for our apartments (yes, I know…terrible!), etc. I don’t know, we just had a lot of fun on this street so it holds a special place in my memory.

My bestie took me to an a-w-e-s-o-m-e place for dinner on Saturday night…I still can’t stop thinking about how delicious that margarita was. Listen to this: tequila, fresh lime juice, cilantro, pineapple, jalapeƱo, and agave.
Holy mackerel. I posted a picture of it and probably got the most likes on my Facebook than any other picture I’ve taken. Quite the popular toddie flavor idea it seems…definitely one I want to try and remake. And it went perfect with my ahi tuna tacos with kimchi and garlic aoili topping. Yeah, chew on that one a bit. So good.

On Sunday, we did one of my favorite things to do after slumber parties...which is to hang in jammies as long as possible, drinking coffee together, and flipping channels. LOVE. IT. Total requirement when planning trips, and totally required when visiting me. I can’t even talk about early departure times…not even gonna happen. I always put off leaving as long as possible because it’s just so nice to get away and getting back in the swing of to-do lists and daily stresses is not something I crave after a little time away. It takes me about two and a half hours to get home so I know those nagging thoughts are gonna swoop in at some time in my travels, and especially when I cross the VA state line. It’s become automatic by now, and not something I look forward to. But, they’re there, so I started thinking of ways I would like to curb those negative thoughts and get them before they get me…which they seem to love to do….
Here were a few ideas I came up with on the drive to help with knocking those stressors the eff out:
1. Make things with my hands. Channel that negative energy into something positive. It’s also a great time for reflection.
2. Go outside. I have plenty of space to go out and walk so I need to take advantage of that…even if it’s piddling around in my yard with the wind whipping my hair and 30 degrees out…get some fresh air.
3. Valerian tea at night. This will help me to wind down in the evenings and help with sleeping more soundly (and getting to bed earlier). It can also serve as closure to the day which can be pretty exciting…especially if it was a busy one.
4. Epsom salt baths. I am not a bath person. I get bored and just don’t see the point. But, I’ve been reading a lot about how healing epsom salt baths are so I thought I would give it a try. I mean the first line of benefits says “ease stress and improves sleep and concentration.” Sold.
5. Be prepared. Scrambling before anything is a sure fire way to stress me out, so if I have to make 20 lists in preparation of something, then so be it. I’ve got a planner and plenty of pens & pencils, so there is no excuse for being stressed and unprepared anymore.
6. Yoga. I’ve been going to yoga on a weekly basis on and off since October and I can definitely tell a mental and physical difference when I don’t go. My sister-in-law and I started back up after the holidays and I’m planning on keeping it up. Yoga is just such a badass.
So, there’s my list. It’s now out of my head and onto “paper” so I have no excuse to be stressed out and totally cray, right?! If you have any ways that have helped you, please share them in the comments!