Monday, January 26, 2015

a good place to start


Like most folks I've seen in the virtual world, I start the new year off feeling ready to set intentions and take on goals. I don't really start it off feeling refreshed and ready to take on the world like some, I just realize that it is a new year and a can be taken as a fresh palette to put whatever I want on it. All the years matter, so I try not to think of it as a redo. It's just another go to make whatever year it is different than the last...if that is desired.


That is my word for this year, following be in 2013, and make for 2014. It sits in my head all day long coaxing me to get on it...whatever that "it" may be. Being that we are a month in already, I feel like I picked a good one.

I picked start for many reasons, some personal, some business, and some in between. I feel that it is a pretty versatile word and that's part of the reason I think it spoke to me. I have realized that I currently wear quite a handful of hats, so start can fit right on in. I am working on staying true to goals that I have set (more on that later), finishing projects that have piled up (more on that later), and starting new ones that have been on my mind (you guessed it...more on that later). And that little the trigger that gets me going.

I am documenting the process of my "One Little Word" using Ali Edwards' class she teaches every year. I kind of fell through with documenting my word and process last year, so I am just using those prompts over again and probably do the formal class again next year. It is SUCH a great class and community of people to keep you inspired, so definitely look into it if it something of interest. I plan to check in throughout the year with my current progress and how my word is fitting in to my life. Please let me know if you are currently in this class or have taken it in the past...I'd love to hear about it!

**So, yeah, here I am...after about 8 months. And I thought I would just jump right on it. No excuses and no just happened. And I'm hope to keep it up a little better, so continue joining me if you'd like! I'm thinking about a whole new design, direction, and maybe even switching platforms, but I think I am going to see if I can be a little more consistent before I switch things over. It's all part of that word...start....

//photo of my old-as-methuzel donkey plant courtesy of Chelsea Laine Francis//