Thursday, December 20, 2012

2012 holiday tags: my pick.

One thing (among MANY) that I do look forward to around the holidays are all of the round-ups on other blogs, like the diy crafts, gifts for him/her/kids/pets, and especially the free printable gift tags. Here are some of my favorites that I collected from blogs that I follow - some are from direct artist's websites and some are curated from other bloggers. These will definitely be put to good use!! I do make one of my sister-in-laws gift tags for her gifts, but I choose to use the real cute ones I find from other artists to shake things up a bit at the family-gathering-mayhem we like to call Christmas. Enjoy!!

links: one//two//three//four

1 comment:

  1. Great share! I was just thinking that I needed to add the finishing touch the presents this year and you did all the leg work for me!
