Monday, May 6, 2013

what i do.

It's funny, because I was just asked this question yesterday by a neighbor that I had not seen in a while and I immediately shifted my eyes to the right and replied, "Uhmmmm...." She knows what my 'day job' is, so she was wanting to really what I had been doing with my time...where had I been...was there anything new? And I guess I don't like answering because I don't really know what I do 100% of the time and it's difficult for me to sum it up in a casual conversation answer. So, if I could just carry around a piece of paper to read a list off, it would make those awkward moments not quite so awkward. 

"So, Hannah, what do you do (besides the 3-tiered day job)?"

"Well... let's see...":

I play with paper.

I take pictures.

I write.

I document my life with said paper, pictures, and words.

I am currently designing new stamps.

I help friends and family with creative projects.

I organize...constantly.

I make and tear down piles.

I do what I love.

And last, but certainly not least, I do dishes. 

Feel free to join in blogging everyday in May hereToday's topic: If you couldn't answer with your job, how would you answer the questions, 'what do you do'?

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