Monday, October 21, 2013


As part of my "getting out there" goal/scheme, I grabbed my pride by the hand and we, as a team, sent in a submission for the 2014 Project Life™ Creative Team. I knew I wanted to do it the minute I saw Becky Higgins' blog post about it, so instead of hemming and hawing about it until the deadline past, I sent that bad boy in with a smile on my face and no expectations what so ever. Mainly just doing it for fun…which is just fine by me.

MG 1871

MG 1863

MG 1892

MG 1886

MG 1893

I chose 5 layouts from this year, including my second 2013 album's cover page. I am becoming more and more conscience of color themes, using what I have, and most importantly: SIMPLIFYING. This should not be a project that takes me a lot of time (minus printing the daggon pictures on a printer I want to throw out in the field and bash Office Space-style) or spend a lot of money on beside the core kit and some embellishments. I have been cleaning out my scrapbooking stash (which I am going to have some giveaways soon!!) and I feel like that has transfered over into my layouts. And this excites the heck out of me

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