Friday, August 10, 2012

august goals.

Find at least one holiday craft show to vend: This goal came about after attending my niece's going away/craft sale extravaganza last weekend, and I realized how much I enjoyed having my goods out for folks to see. Regardless of the fact it was mostly family that purchased from me, it was still a good feeling. I have this vision of what I want my setup to be, and I feel like I get closer and closer to it each time I set up. I'm hoping to set up at least once this fall at a neighborhood event, and then at a holiday market this upcoming season. It also gives me initiative to produce more items (which I will share in an upcoming post).

Blog at least 2 times a week: Yep, yep...this is one is back because it still has to remain something to cross off physically. It's not quite habit yet, but I am finding myself thinking about what it is I want to blog about more, and then I'd love to come up with a schedule. There is SO much blog tip inspiration out there, and I am soaking it up when I come across it in my web travels.

Complete guest room/office makeover: I've lived in my house for at least 7 years, and I have never "finished" decorating this room. I've replaced furniture, added furniture, taken away furniture, and then switched it all around. But it has just never been COMPLETE in my mind. So, this month is for finishing the damn thing so I can stop thinking about it...which entails: repainting the storage cabinet, compiling instagram prints to 2 canvases, getting rid of some things, replacing the rug & curtains, adding a bed skirt, etc., etc., etc. Ey yi yi.

Read one fiction + 1 non-fiction/reference book: I only reached half of this goal last month, so I plan on doing better this month. I'm in the first third of The Night Circus, and hope to finish The Creative Habit (which I've been reading for about 2 months now).

Take one bike ride a week: I think this is pretty self-explanatory.... ;)

Do you have any goals for August?


  1. Yep, and some similar ones to yours:

    1) finish painting trim and redecorate guest room. We ripped out the nasty old carpet and put down and painted wideboard pine last weekend. Now it's time to pick a trim color, paint it, and redecorate all in time for my friend Shannon's visit next Tuesday. Nothing like a deadline...

    2) Write blog posts for the Pulp Fixin' blog twice a month. I can't even imagine doing it once a week!

    3) Go for a short walk every day if it is nice out. This has been on my list of goals for the last two years. It never happens. Not even once a week, maybe once a month at best. Totally ridiculous.

    1. I'm realizing at I'm writing this (and it's now September THIRD!!!!!) that I failed MISERABLY at my August goals. How did you do on yours??

  2. Ooh I may steal yours about taking more bike rides. I invested in a gorgeous bicycle at the start of Summer and I fear I'll forget her when the weather drops. I also decided recently to resolve to sing every day =)

    1. Well, I'm sending the bike ride right over to September as well, so I'm hoping it's going to be popular activity for the month! Thanks for stopping by!!
