Tuesday, July 31, 2012

oh geez.

Last week was pretty crappy. I just wasn't feeling well with low energy, and consuming thoughts. I was all on track mentally to juice up this here blog and continue posting because I do love it when I do. But, I just couldn't pull it together. I couldn't pull much together. I know, cry me river....

Luckily, tomorrow is a new month and I always get this feeling of freshness and new chances to do all the things I wanted to do last month. It's just the way I roll. Daily lists that carry on to the next day...the next week...the next month. But! I will get it done. Procrastination really should be my middle name.

August, here I come!!


  1. Love that flow chart! I'm not so much a procrastinator but I often feel completely overwhelmed by everything that's going on (good and bad!) and it makes me unable to do anything! I've just found your blog, by the way, from Miss Indie! Jen x

    1. So glad you stopped by!! Yeah, it's almost like a catch-22...the more there is to do the more likely it is to push it off!! It's so frustrating!! But, by some miraculous twist of fate...stuff seems to get done. Sometimes... :)
