Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Obsessing over: Happy Street. Yes, I'm in my 30s, but this game is the cutest thing I have seen in a loooong time. I'm playing it on my iPad and I got my 19-year-old niece hooked on it through her iPhone. It is unbelievable. The graphics are so crisp and cute, the sounds are so crisp and cute, and it just puts a smile on my face anytime I check in. Of course, there's no point, I don't plan on putting any money towards it, but I/we just love it.

Working on: getting my house situated and set to where I feel good walking in the front door as opposed to being consumed by immediate annoyance because this pile is here, that bag is there, or unfinished decor projects are everywhere. I finished one half of my curtain project today, and hope to get the other half finished tomorrow so my other window is happy too.

Thinking about: what else I can all aspects.

Anticipating: crawling into my bed. Oh, and when I get my next reward on Happy Street....

Listening to: The Office, Season 5. So hilarious.

Eating: nothing right at the moment, but I did heat up lunch leftovers for dinner that consisted of local salad greens, basil quinoa, and homegrown squash patties. Yum!

Wishing: my overall health would level out successfully and I can move forward with my grand plans. ;) I just have to keep trusting that what I'm doing is working, and not lose sight of the end result. It's getting easier, I do have to say.

* I'm waiting for some files to download so I thought I would do a quick check-in. I finally talked my Mom into getting a MacBook Pro so that she can be synced between her iPad and laptop. Plus, her old laptop was getting soooo slooooow and totally not user-friendly to someone who missed the technology benchmark. Not a week went by that I wasn't getting a phone call about where pictures were or the infamous How do I...? Yup, simplifying is key here.

I'd love to hear what's currently happening in your world!

// This 'Currently' template from Danielle at Sometimes Sweet. \\


  1. I've just come across your blog and am now following it, love the style of your blog :) feel free to follow me

    1. Aww...glad you stopped by! I'll be sure and check out yours! ;)
