Saturday, March 9, 2013

a nomination nod.

One of my readers tagged me in her comment as a nominee for The Leibster Award, and I thought it would be fun to participate in, even though my part is ending here. I do not have an About Me section on my blog (one will be coming at  some point), so I thought these questions were good one to get to know a little bit more about me!

So, here are 11 questions from Madiee at it must be nice to be a bird:

1) What is your favorite Movie?
Oh my gosh, I have so many. Everything from Pee-Wee's Big Adventure to Amelie to Last of the Mohicans to Little Miss Sunshine. I just don't see any way that I could narrow it down.

2) What is your favorite way to unwind after a long day?
Put a dvd or music on, clean up a little, eat a snack, and work on a fun craft project.

3) Where do you like to do your blogging?
From my couch with my pup curled up beside me. If she could get under the top layer of my skin, I think she would.

4) What kind of camera do you use?
I have a Canon Rebel XSi that's a hand-me-down from my photographer niece. But, usually my cell phone.

5) What is your favorite summer activity?
Going to the beach. Hands down.

6) What is your favorite season?
Spring. I love the newness and the freshness in nature that seems to echo itself in my attitude and outlook...and the warmer days are nothing to complain about!

7) What was your favorite childhood activity?
I loved playing Barbies with my cousin and making up their living spaces and life scenarios. The stories and drama between Barbie and Ken that we seemed to come up with was quite incredible.

8) What is your job besides blogging?
If my job was blogging, I would have been fired from every angle of the position. Otherwise, I homeschool my nephew three mornings a week, teach after-school art two afternoons a week, and keep my brother's three kids one day a week.

9) What are you wearing right now?
Oh bright blue Hello sweatshirt from HelloHi Apparel, Gap sweatpants from college, and the most-awesomest slippers from LL Bean that I look forward to putting on ALL day.

10) Do you like where you are living?
I do, I love it. I love the fresh air and the hug from the Blue Ridge Mountains I receive every day.

11) If you could have one wish what would it be?
That all people would have made Mother Nature a priority from the earliest beginnings and done their part to take care of the earth the best they could have so that we wouldn't have to worry about chemicals, greed, and impending results of all of our wrongdoing.

Feel free to answer the same questions and link back up to me - I'd love to read your responses as well!

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