Monday, March 25, 2013

oh spring, where art thou?

MG 9564
Spring is officially here. Yet, it's 29 degrees and we got a few inches of snow this weekend. Don't get me wrong…I'm not on here to join the masses in a big b*tchfest over the lack of warm weather, I am just excited for when it does finally decide to get here…and stay for a bit! We had a couple of teaser days a week or so ago, and I got a little extra pep in my step (while also realizing how incredibly pale and ashy I am after rolling my sleeves up…)

I started a list of what I am looking forward to once the spring season does actually decide to stick:
cleaning out my garden boxes to prepare for new plantings

gathering nice, new, healthy soil for said boxes

organizing and deciding on plantings (maybe even draw a colorful map)

opening windows for fresh air

decluttering my home room by room (this has actually already started to happen and feels SO good!)

brightening up my front porch and spending time on it

planting the Johnny-Jump-Ups that have been sitting in their containers all winter

being outside as much as possible

soaking up the newly warm sun

taking walks with my friend and talking about everything - whether in town or on the farm

drinking water…getting hydrated

cleaning out winter clothes that I didn't wear this past season

drinking a beer on my back deck while watching the sunset

rolling the windows down on my trips to town

Those are just some things I jotted down, and I am sure to be adding more as the warmer weather sets in. I am definitely seeing a common theme...something having to do with freshness, for sure.

What are some of the things you're most excited about? I'd love to read them!

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