Wednesday, May 1, 2013

la vie.

I was born, hiccuping, into a family of three sons. My parents met when they were in high school, had 2 boys back to back, took about a 13 year break, then had my brother and I three years apart...and just celebrated their 53rd anniversary I might add. I was always "the baby," or "the youngest of three brothers," or the "then you came along…bet your mama was happy!" We lived in a modest home in a beautiful area of Lynchburg, Virginia, down the street from my grandma and about 10 minutes from my other grandparents. I grew up wearing pigtails and thick Annie glasses with a constant stream of patches over my right eye in order to maintain muscle strength, (resulting in my mother wrapping Southern Living magazines around my elbows so I wouldn't consistently rip them off). I went to public, then private, back to public school after we moved out into what we thought was "the country," then back to private school where I would remain (enter another move to the real country) until I graduated in 1995. I went to Guilford College in North Carolina where I stayed as a five-year-student and studied abroad twice - one time in Paris and the second in Ghana. After graduating, I stayed in NC for a couple of years stretching my wings before moving back home to the farm. All of my jobs have centered around working with children, and after taking a break to put some farm time in and assist a local midwife, I'm back to teaching in a homeschool setting. I enjoy paper everything, great tunes, sitting on porches and good-ass food & drink. I've wanted children for as long as I can remember (and focused on making this happen). I live on the farm, enjoying a pretty laid-back-with-intent lifestyle. I rescued a dog named Fern. I inhale the beautiful fresh air of the Blue Ridge Mountains all day long.


Feel free to join in blogging everyday in May here. Today's topic: The story of your life in 250 words or less…(or close enough).

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